Scientific Sessions:
- Opening Session 1: The Mosaic of Autoimmunity
- Session 2: The Diagnostic Methods in Autoimmunity: Resolved and Unresolved Issues
- Session 3: The Animal models: Good or Bad News for Autoimmunity?
- Session 4: The Treatment of Autoimmune diseases: The Good News in 2019
- Session 5: Nutrition, Drugs and Autoimmunity
- Session 6: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Varia
- Plenary lecture: 20 min.
- Short oral presentations: 10 min.
- Poster
Important dates:
- Opening Registration and titles submission – 15 January, 2019
- Deadline for titles – 30 January, 2019
- Deadline for abstracts - 28 February, 2019
- Deadline for Early registration– 28 February, 2019
REGISTRATION FEES (in Bulgarian levs - BGN)
Variant 1: Physician/Practicing Medical Professional/ Academic:
- Early Registration (21 January to 28 February, 2019) – 100 BGN
- Regular Registration (01 March to 11 April, 2019) - 120 BGN
- On-Site Registration (From 12 April, 2019)-120 BGN
Variant 2: Students, PhD Students, Participants below 35 y.old:
- Early Registration (21 January to 28 February, 2019) – 70 BGN
- Regular Registration (01 March to 11 April, 2019) - 70 BGN
- On-Site Registration (From 12 April, 2019)- 70 BGN
- Admission to Workshop Sessions
- Pharmaceutical Exhibition
- Workshop Material
- Coffee Breaks at the Congress venue
- Lunch Breaks on 10 and 11 April
- Gala Dinner and Concert, 10 April
- Dinner, 11 April
- Daniela Gonkova
Tel.: 064/ 804 790; Fax: 064/ 804 790; GSM: 0885/299965; e-mail: - Veneta Tancheva
Tel.: 064/ 804 790; Fax: 064/ 804 790; GSM: 0886973317; e-mail:
Address for correspondence:
*MC CIRM Ltd 20, Skobelev Blvd. 5800 Pleven
Venue: *Hotel Balkan - Pleven 85, Ruse
*Payment of registration fees (in BGN) can be made as follows:
On site or by Bank Transfer: Information will be provided by the Registration Department.
Bank Account: IBAN: BG94UBBS82811017443503, BIC UBBS BGSF, UBB - Branch Pleven